Día 1º (Sábado) ROMA
Llegada al aeropuerto de Roma. Traslado grupal al hotel. Alojamiento.
Día 2º (Domingo) ROMA
Alojamiento y desayuno. Por la mañana tiempo libre.Podrá visitar la ciudad por su cuenta, o asistir a una visita opcional a la Bendición Papal. Por la tarde
realizaremos una visita panorámica a pie de la Roma Barroca en la que conoceremos las fuentes y plazas más emblemáticas de la ciudad, como la Piazza del
Panteón o la Piazza Navona, la Fontana de Trevi, etc.
Desayuno. Salida hacia Pompeya, donde visitaremos las excavaciones de esta famosa ciudad que fue completamente sepultada por una erupción del Vesubio
en el año 79 d.C. Llegada a Sorrento y visita de la ciudad con sus calles típicas. Cena y alojamiento.
Desayuno. Salida hacia el puerto de Sorrento para embarcar en el ferry regular que nos llevará hasta la magnífica isla de Capri, lugar de descanso de emperadores romanos, que sorprende por su paisaje de farallones y grutas. Destacan la Marina Grande y los múltiples puntos escénicos desde donde se disfruta de espectaculares vistas. Almuerzo libre. Regreso en Jet Foil a Sorrento. Cena y alojamiento.
Desayuno. Salida a través de la famosa carretera panorámica de la Costa Amalfitana hacia Amalfi. Desde la carretera panorámica podremos admirar el pueblo de Positano asi como estupendas visitas sobre el Golfo de Napoles. Llegada a Amalfi y visita de la ciudad. Continuación hacia Salerno, segunda ciudad más importante de la Campania y visita panorámica donde podremos apreciar lugares como el Castillo,la Iglesia de San Pietro a Corte, el Teatro Verdi o su Catedral de San Matteo. Cena y alojamiento.
Desayuno. Salida hacia Pertosa para visitar las famosas Grutas del Ángel de Pertosa consideradas como las más importantes del Sur de Italia, empezaremos con un recorrido en barco y después un paseo a pie donde podremos admirar las formaciones de estalactitas y estalagmitas. Continuación a Paestum y visita de la zona arqueológica con tres de los templos dóricos del s. V a. C. Salida hacia Salerno. Cena y alojamiento.
Día 7º (Viernes) SALERNO-NÁPOLES
Desayuno. Salida hacia Nápoles. A la llegada haremos un recorrido panorámico de la que fue la Capital del Reino de las Dos Sicilias, comenzando por la colina del Vómero, pasando por el paseo marítimo,recorreremos el centro histórico de la ciudad con monumentos como el Teatro de San Carlos, el Palacio Real, el Castillo Nuevo, la Plaza del Plebiscito, etc.Visita también a pie por el centro histórico de la ciudad donde visitaremos la Capilla de San Severo famosa por su obra maestra: el Cristo Velado. Esta noche, saludaremos el Sur de Italia con una cena de despedida en una pizzería del centro, ya que este plato, famoso en el mundo entero, nació en la ciudad de Nápoles. Regreso al hotel. Alojamiento.
Día 8º (Sábado) NÁPOLES-PALERMO (ferry)
Desayuno. Día libre a disposición en Nápoles para visitar la ciudad por su cuenta (Atención: las habitaciones estarán disponibles hasta las 10:00 horas).
A la hora indicada, traslado al puerto de Nápoles. Embarque en ferry regular hacia Palermo. Cena ligera a bordo. Noche a bordo.
Día 9º (Domingo) PALERMO
Llegada a Palermo. Traslado grupal al hotel. Dia libre para descubrir la ciudad de Palermo por su cuenta.A la hora indicada, cita con los participantes en el
hotel. Alojamiento.
Desayuno. Por la mañana, realizaremos un paseo por el centro histórico de la Capital Siciliana. Visitaremos sus principales monumentos tales como la
Capilla Palatina, la Catedral de Palermo, la famosa Plaza Pretoria, inmensa fuente completamente trabajada en mármol blanco de Carrara con alegorías
mitológicas, los Quattro Canti o Piazza Vigliena,en honor al virrey bajo cuyo mandato se finalizó la construcción de los cuatro palacios barrocos en la
intersección de Via Vittorio Emmanuele y Via Maqueda. También visitaremos el interior del famoso Teatro Massimo, el tercer teatro más grande de Europa.
Almuerzo. Por la tarde, salida hacia Monreale y visita de la Catedral. Bajo la sugerente excusa de que un sueño-visión en el cual encontraba un tesoro oculto
por su padre, el rey normando Guillermo II llevo a cabo la construcción de una de las catedrales más bellas de Europa. Alojamiento.
Desayuno. Salida hacia Cefalú, sugestivo pueblo cerca del mar que presenta al visitante una maravillosa muestra artística de luces y colores. No olviden visitar la estupenda “Cattedrale Normanna”cuya construcción se remonta al 1131 y el “Lavatoio Medievale”. Almuerzo. Continuamos hacia Messina para realizar un tour panorámico de la ciudad,que incluye las vistas sobre el Estrecho que separa Sicilia del continente. Seguiremos hacia la zona de Taormina. Alojamiento.
Desayuno. Si las condiciones meteorológicas lo permiten, salida hacia el Monte Etna: el volcán más alto,y aun activo, de Europa (3.345 metros): el autobús
llegará hasta el Refugio Sapienza a 1.800 metros de altitud. Visita de los cráteres apagados, los llamados “Crateri Silvestri”. Espléndida es la variedad de flora y espléndidos son también, los paisajes lunares que se pueden ver por el camino. Durante siglos, el volcán hacreado un lugar donde naturaleza, cultura e historia
se han unido para dar lugar a un paraje único en el mundo. Almuerzo. Continuación a Taormina: ésta se sitúa en la cumbre de la pintoresca roca del Monte
Tauro (204m. altitud). Tiempo libre para compras, descubrir las románticas callejuelas de la ciudad,pasear o visitar el famoso Teatro Griego desde donde
se puede gozar de un magnífico panorama, tanto del Etna como del Mar Jonio. Alojamiento.
Desayuno. Salida hacia Siracusa: la ciudad más grande de la antigüedad fundada en el 734-733 a.c. y llamada Syraka. La cual se extiende a lo largo del
mar, junto a la isla de Ortigia, que está unida a la tierra firme por un puente, y ofrece al visitante los restos de su glorioso pasado: El Templo di Minerva,
transformado en Catedral Cristiana, la legendaria Fontana di Arethusa, el Templo di Apollo, el Teatro Greco y el Anfiteatro Romano situado cerca de las
Latomie, el Orecchio di Dionisio. Almuerzo. Continuación hacia Ragusa, visita panorámica del casco antiguo de Ragusa Ibla. Alojamiento.
Desayuno. Salida hacia Piazza Armerina: visita de la espléndida Villa Romana del Casale, lujosa morada,que se encuentra en el corazón de Sicilia, importante
ejemplo de la época romana y donde se pueden admirar los preciosos mosaicos que representan los usos y las costumbres de aquel tiempo. Continuación hacia Agrigento. Almuerzo. Por la tarde visita del famoso Valle de los Templos. Continúa hacia la zona de Selinunte. Alojamiento.
Desayuno. Salida hacia las salinas de Trapani para una visita panorámica. Continuación hacia Erice para la visita del pueblo medieval. Almuerzo. Continuación
hacia Segesta para visitar el Templo Dórico que se caracteriza, no solo por su singular arquitectura,sino también por el maravilloso paisaje natural que
lo rodea. Salida hacia Palermo. Alojamiento.
Día 16º (Domingo) PALERMO
Desayuno. Traslado grupal de salida del hotel de Palermo al aeropuerto/estación/hotel o puerto de Palermo. Fin de nuestros servicios.
•Traslado grupal de llegada aeropuerto/estación
u hotel de Roma al hotel de Roma.
•Desayuno buffet en hoteles.
•4 cenas en hotel, 1 cena en restaurante local, 1
cena ligera a bordo del ferry.
•6 almuerzos en restaurantes locales.
•Bebidas durante las comidas incluidas: ¼ vino
o una bebida sin alcohol + ½ agua mineral por
persona por comida.
•Entrada a las Grutas de Pertosa (con paseo en
•Entradas a monumentos: Amalfi: claustro /
Pompeya: ruinas/ Paestum: zona arqueológica
/ Nápoles: Capilla San Severo/ PALERMO:
Capilla Palatina / PALERMO: Teatro Massimo /
SEGESTA: Templo dórico / AGRIGENTO: Valle
de los Templos / P. ARMERINA: Villa romana
del Casale / SIRACUSA: Zona arqueológica
/ SIRACUSA: Catedral. (Datos de precios
al mes de Abril/2023, en caso subieran las
entradas, tendríamos que adaptar el precio del
suplemento adicional).
•Transporte en autobús de lujo de última
generación según número de participantes
(con menos de 7 participantes, el viaje podría
realizarse con un chófer/guía).
•Guía acompañante multilingüe en Español
durante todo el recorrido excepto el 7°, 8° y
ultimo día. (con menos de 7 participantes, el
viaje podría realizarse sin guía.
•Visitas panorámicas con guía acompañante
excepto en Pompeya, Nápoles, Paestum, Grutas
de Pertosa, Palermo y Monreale, Agrigento, Villa
romana del Casale y Siracusa.
•Guías locales para la visita de Pompeya,
Nápoles, Paestum, Palermo & Monreale,
Agrigento, Villa romana del Casale y Siracusa.
•Excursión a Capri con ferry público a Capri ida
•Pasaje marítimo en ferry regular de Nápoles
a Palermo en camarote interior con salida de
Nápoles a las 20.00 horas y llegada a Palermo a
las 07.00 horas aprox. (al llegar muy temprano al
hotel de Palermo, las habitaciones podrían no
estar disponibles. Los clientes podrán dejar sus
maletas en el depósito del hotel).
•Traslado grupal de salida del hotel de Palermo al
aeropuerto/estación/hotel o puerto de Palermo
Viaja Más declares that it has a firm commitment to the protection, security and privacy of users. The personal information you collect about your customers is used to contact you if necessary. Viaja Más does not collect personal information from its clients for purposes other than those established, nor does it sell, exchange or rent personal information to any organization.
1. We only use your personal data (name, telephone number and email address) for the purchase, sale or confirmation of reservations that you request; or to send you information from our company, having the option not to receive it. The personal information you register on our website is available on a secure system and is not available to the public. The personal data that you provide us will be stored in the databases described in the annex
2. You will find more information in the following link
Viaja Más contains links to other websites within the Internet that operate under URL domain names, different from the domain https://viajamas.pe/
These links are provided for the convenience of users of https://viajamas.pe/ and are not under the control of our company, nor do they belong to it. https://viajamas.pe/ does not guarantee or represent, expressly or implicitly, the content of these links. The links do not constitute or imply the approval, authorization, sponsorship or affiliation of https://viajamas.pe/ with respect to third parties, their Internet pages, or their contents.
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Viaja Más values its users and is committed to protecting their privacy. In compliance with this commitment, this privacy policy (hereinafter, the "Privacy Policy" or "Policy") has been developed, which describes the policies and practices of Viaja Más regarding the collection, use and disclosure of the personal information collected. By visiting, using and/or registering on this website (hereinafter, the “Website”), you, as a user of the website (hereinafter, “You”), accept the practices detailed below. This Policy contains the privacy practices of the Website operated by Viaja Más, in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Law of Peru Law No. 29,733, and its complementary regulations (hereinafter, "LPDP").
1. About the information obtained
Viaja Más S.A.C, receives and stores any information that users provide when browsing the Website https://viajamas.pe, when using our online services, either by providing them by telephone in our service center, when participating in promotions and offers, when registering as a user, through email, information published in the forums, chat groups or comments through which you interact on the Website, when using our application for mobile phones and tablets (the "Application" ) or in any way when you purchase a product or service from Us. The information collected (hereinafter the "Personal Information") includes -among others- name and surname, postal address, nationality, telephone number, tax identification code, email address, and if you make a reservation through our Site Web or App, your credit card information (such as credit card number, cardholder name, and expiration date). We may also request information about loyalty and frequent flyer programs. You can choose not to provide us with information, but certain information about you is generally required to purchase, transact on our website or app, if you choose not to provide us with certain information, then you may not contract with us. In the event that you make a reservation on behalf of a third party, you must first obtain the third party's consent before providing us with your Personal Information. Additionally, Viaja Más may record or control, for quality control and staff training purposes, the calls made to our customer service center. The recordings of the calls will be kept for as long as is reasonably necessary and will subsequently be deleted, at the sole discretion of Viaja Más.
2. Other Information Collected
To the extent permitted by law, Viaja Más may obtain Personal Information about You and add it to the Personal Information that You provide us either from affiliated entities, business partners and other independent third-party sources - such as public databases, information collected during a telephone conversation with the customer service center and/or through interactive applications. Please note that any information we collect about you may be combined with Personal Information to, for example, help us tailor our communications to your needs and develop new products or services that may be of interest to you. Any Personal Information obtained by Viaja Más by the means described herein will be treated in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy. As stated in this Policy below, this Policy does not cover the practices of those third parties from whom we receive information.
3. Authorization of Registration and Treatment of Personal Information
By visiting, using and/or registering on the Website and/or in the Viaja Más Application, you expressly authorize Viaja Más to record and process your Personal Information for –among others- the following purposes: to carry out the transactions that you have initiated; offer you products and services; send you confirmation and updates about your trip; invoice processing; respond to your questions and comments; contact you for customer service purposes, conduct surveys, statistics or analysis on consumption habits or preferences, notify you by email of special offers and travel-related products and services that may be of interest to you unless you do not want it ( see below: waiver policy “Opt. Out”). We also use credit card information (such as cardholder name, credit card number, and expiration date) solely for the purpose of completing travel reservations you make on our Website and/or o Application, including the sending of your data to the final service providers, to manage your reservations and/or purchase requests. Likewise, you can choose for Viaja Más to remember certain information about your credit card and billing, which will appear automatically when you enter the Website and/or the Viaja Más Application. When collecting Personal Information for advertising or direct sales and other analogous activities, in Peru Viaja Más will give the corresponding treatment as prescribed by art. 28 of the Personal Data Protection Law, Law No. 29,733, as well as Supreme Decree 003-2013-JUS, and the National Authority for the Protection of Personal Data (Control Body of Law No. 29,733).
4. Storage and Transfer of Personal Information. Customer Consent.
All Personal Information is collected and stored in servers physically located in Peru and Argentina. Viaja Más may relocate these servers to any other country in the future, and may store Personal Information in the United States or other countries for backup purposes. You give your unequivocal consent so that Viaja Más can transfer your data to any country in the world.
By submitting Personal Information on the Website and/or the Application, you authorize and give your free and informed consent so that, in accordance with the LPDP and our Privacy Policy, Viaja Más may collect, use and store your Personal Information to (i) provide the products and services you request; and (ii) send you relevant information in a personalized way - including but not limited to the promotion of the products and services -.
In the case of transfer of Personal Information, you are informed that the recipient of the Personal Information will assume the same obligations that correspond to the controller transferring the Personal Information.
5. Custody and Confidentiality of Personal Information
The Personal Information will be treated with the legally required degree of protection to guarantee its security and avoid its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access.
Viaja Más safeguards your Personal Information according to the security and confidentiality standards and procedures imposed in Peru according to the LPDP. Viaja Más does not transmit, disclose or provide the Personal Information collected to third parties different from the owner of such Personal Information and/or those third parties described in this Policy. In this sense, this Website and the Application take the necessary measures to protect the Personal Information of the users.
6. Access to the Personal Information by Third Parties
You give your unequivocal consent so that Viaja Más may share the relevant Personal Information of its users with suppliers for the management of your reservations and/or purchase requests, such as airlines, hotels, car rental companies, wholesalers, and other suppliers of products and services that you contract through our Website and/or our Application. Also, to share your Personal Information with providers that provide services for Viaja Más, including credit card, business analytics, customer service, marketing and fraud prevention. We may also authorize service providers to collect Personal Information on our behalf, including as necessary to operate certain elements of our Website and/or our Application or to facilitate the delivery of online advertising tailored to your interests. In addition, Viaja Más may share Personal Information with business partners, with whom we may jointly offer products or services. These suppliers and commercial partners are subject to confidentiality agreements that prohibit the use or unauthorized disclosure of the Personal Information to which they have access. Viaja Más may also share your Personal Information in order to comply with the applicable regulations and to cooperate with the competent authorities. Finally, Despegar may also share your Personal Information with the companies belonging to the Viaja Más group.
7. Opt out policy
When you make transactions or register as a user in Viaja Más, you will be given a choice as to whether you wish to receive promotional newsletters, messages or e-mails about offers, promotions, sweepstakes. You will be able to modify your choices at any time by unsubscribing at contacto@viajamastravel.com. You will also be given the opportunity in each e-mail message we send you to unsubscribe from receiving messages.
8. Use of the website https://viajamas.pe
Keep in mind that when you access the Viaja Más Web Site, we automatically receive information about you and your computer. For example, we receive information from cookies (see definition below), web beacons (see definition below) regarding your browser and operating system, the Internet pages you have visited, the links you have seen, the IP address of your computer and the website you closed before entering our Web Site. Viaja Más uses the information collected primarily to enhance your user experience and improve our service.
At any time, you may choose not to receive a cookie file by enabling your web browser to refuse cookies or to inform you before accepting cookies. Please note that by refusing to accept a cookie you will not be able to gain access to many travel services and planning tools offered by this Website. "Cookies" are text files that are automatically downloaded and stored on your computer's hard drive when you browse a specific web page or web portal, which allow us to store a certain amount of data about your internet activity. Cookies are used to understand the interests, behavior and demographics of visitors to or users of our Web Site in order to better understand your needs and interests and to better serve or provide you with related information. We will also use the information obtained through cookies to analyze the pages navigated by the visitor or user, the searches performed, improve our commercial and promotional initiatives, show advertising or promotions, banners of interest, personalize content, presentation and services.
"Web beacons are images that can appear inserted in web pages and websites and have a similar purpose to cookies. Additionally a Web beacon is used to measure traffic patterns of users from one page to another in order to maximize how traffic flows through the Web.
10. External Links
This Web Site may contain links to other Web sites that have their own privacy and confidentiality policies. Therefore, we recommend that if you visit those other websites, carefully review their practices and confidentiality policies, since this Privacy Policy does not cover the practices or policies of third parties, including those that may disclose and/or share information with Viaja Más.
12. Public Information
Keep in mind that when you place information in a public area of this Web Site (including but not limited to: notices, chat groups, electronic photo albums and comments about products and services), you are making it available to other members, users of the Web Site and the general public; which is beyond the scope of control of Viaja Más. Please remember the above and be careful with the information you decide to disclose.
13. Responsible for the Protection of your Personal Information
The responsible for the database/file in Peru is: Viaja Mas S.A.C - Calle Lar Orquídeas 444 San Isidro Lima, Peru.
14. Modifications
Viaja Mas may make modifications to this Privacy Policy in the future. Any modification to the way VIAJA MAS uses Personal Information will be reflected in future versions of this "Privacy Policy," and will be published in this page, so you are advised to periodically review the Privacy Policy.
15. Contact
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy of Viaja Más you can contact us at contacto@viajamas.pe.// Phone: +51 966 830 453